Friday, 7 August 2009

Maxwell in conversation

Blacksummers night is an incredible album, so sensual, its that kind of music I have been missing,it touches your soul and you feel the music!
Now Maxwells second single "Bad Habits" caught me off guard when I first heard it but I was not ready for the video!

My Goodness I wish I was Kerry Washington right about now! this video is so SEXY SENSUAL and DELCIOUS!! Cheating on your partner is so soooo wrong but he makes it look so damn good!
I swear if maxwell were to look me in the eyes sangin those lyrics I would instanly become preganant! So I was having a conversation with my home boi and we was talking about the video,The conversation then lead to only liking Maxwell because of his looks/charm and grace but I stated was in love his mind! especially with all the lyrics he is coughing up! my boi was but you know good and well if like maxwell looked like Dave Chappelle in the face you would not like him! I responded as long as he aint looking like tyronne Biggims, my boi then replied what about if he had Bobby Brown Lip and chris rock CB40 LOOK! LMAO! I was in hysterics the bobby brown lip took the biscuit and for the past 24 hours I cannot stop laughing about it.

It got me thinking about MadTv's spoof of bobby brown and whitney lol


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